Make sure to always have these items with you. You WILL need them.
I found a great little mini emergency kit at Francesca's that is perfect for beginners, and also just to have in your purse when your off-duty. It comes with these mini essentials:
Lip balm, floss, mints, nail file, clear nail polish, nail polish remover, hair spray, elastics, earring backs, stain remover, double sided tape, mini mending kit, deodorant, towelettes, band-aid, tampon, and pain reliever. Yes, all of these things fit in this tiny package that fits in my hand.

As mentioned, this is great to have in your purse as your own little emergency box; however, on the job, there will more than likely be more than one model and you always want to have backups so your not running to the store all the time for an emergency.
For a larger bag of emergency goodies I would include everything above, and of course some of those things can be brought to normal size instead of mini size. The following is also recommended :
-*MUST HAVE* a handheld steamer- you will always need this no matter what you are doing. I was caught steaming a bathing suit the other day for a TV appearance, so you never know what will have a few wrinkles that you need to get out.
-Sticky lint roller. I have a large one of these that I use before I leave the house, and I always keep a mini one in my purse. Usually, they come as a pack with a big and little one.
-Pins and safety pins. Always have different sizes for various occasions. You will most likely always have some last minute adjustments.
-Laundry sheets. You know those things you put in the dryer to make your clothes smell good? Yeah, they are fantastic for taming static, especially on your hair.
-Bobby pins. You can not go without these. They will always be needed for last minute fixes, or that time the hair stylists runs out of them.
-Superglue. For real. I was helping with a TV appearance about a week ago and an earring that we had borrowed from a local accessories boutique broke. The jewel had fallen out. It was the easiest fix.....if we had superglue. So, now I make sure I always have it because you never want to return something you borrowed, broken.
-A small pair of scissors. There is nothing I can think of that for any reason you would need a large pair of scissors, because you will mostly be cutting small strings, tags, etc.
-Nipple concealers. It's seams as if the fashion industry, especially the runways are all to familiar with the occasional peek-a-boo, and it just seems easier to save the poor models the embarrassment by preventing it with these.
-Nude underwear. Always have a few pairs of these, preferably in a thong style. Many times models can forget to wear these type of underwear so if they are on tv or a photo shoot, it doesn't show through the clothing.
-Lotion. When dealing with more revealing clothing or swimwear, the models skin needs to be ash free. Make sure it is fragrance and dye free, so it does not ruin the clothing. It also helps to make sure it is not greasy or oily so it does not soil the clothing.
-A few items of makeup. This can be your choice, you never know when you need that extra oomph of mascara (make sure to have disposable brushes) or eyeliner to tough things up.
-Makeup remover. Both in the pre-moistened wipes and the liquid. The wipes are great for all over, and the liquid is great for touch-ups.
-Q-tips. These work for everything from applying makeup, to taking it off and to help clean up nail polish and more!
-Keep a high fashion magazine or two in your bag as well. Models can get nervous sometimes, or if they are newer to the business they maybe uncomfortable and being able to look at successful models in a major magazine, can help ease their nerves by imitating some of the poses in the magazines, and give them a boost of confidence.
All of these are absolutely a must have and you will be a life-saver to many if you are prepared. Don't forget everything in your mini kit, and be sure to normal size everything and by in multiples.
This is a great way to start, and along the way you will add more supplies, as you find you need them, and don't forget to periodically check on your stash and make sure it is up to date, and if you run out of something, it was obviously needed so go get more!
What else do you put in your emergency bag?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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