I would do ANYTHING right now, for someone to quickly invent teleporting and be able to teleport me to fashion week. Being a poor college student is no bueno. HOWEVER, my lovely friend, Lauren found a great way to be able to follow everything thats going on (minus seeing the beutiful garments right before your eyes) online.
This is a quick link that gives the main people to follow and the main happenings of what is going on during fashion week. Mashables is a great website that combines everything that is going on and leaves open for discussion and comments. Pretty much everything you need to know about following fashion week online, is on this link by
If you love everything Fashion, and you are as upset as I am about not being there, then get in on this! Also, you need to have a twitter, if you dont, then your crazy. Even if you don't do the whole "hey friend, follow me and ill follow you back thing" like me, you should still have one for this. Honestly, I just follow for the fashion; with as much information that is put out there on twitter and with twitter-only giveaways, its worth it. So overcome your resistence to social media technology and just get over it and get in on all the great information that is awaiting!
I know I commented on the website, but don't forget that my favorite, Betsey Johnson is live streaming her show on Sept. 12 at 6:00pm on her website, http://www.betseyjohnson.com/home/index.jsp and on her facebook, http://www.facebook.com/#!/xobetseyjohnson I watched this last time she did it and it was a lot of fun getting to see everything backstage before the show starts.
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