I am absolutely amazed at the things people will wear to class on a college campus. Maybe it's just because I'm clothing minded and I can't help but look at and analyze some peoples outfits, but I mean come on... Did you look in the mirror this morning?
One of my biggest annoyances is when your bra straps are showing. I always happen to sit behind girls who always seem to have that malfunction. Clean it up girls! If your wearing a strapless, racerback, or any other type of top where you should be concealing those straps, do it! Wear a strapless bra. A little endowed? Get a bra strap clip, I have tons and they work wonders. It just looks a little sloppy when they are hanging out for everyone to see, there is a reason they are called UNDERgarments.
Next, who wears pajamas to class? And I am not just talking about sweatpants and a t-shirt, I am talking about cartoon plastered pajamas. Really? I realize that many times you wake up late for class or you want to sleep in, but look halfway presentable. When you do that you look like you don't care; not just about yourself, but about anything. First impressions say a lot about someone and you can never get that back. Throw on some jeans super fast, and a nice top. Or better yet, lay out your clothes the night before so when you are running late you at least have something better than your spongebob pajamas because I will take a picture of you.
Last pet peeve of the day. High heels. Super cute, not for campus. You can barely walk after 5 minutes. I have yet to see a girl walk all around campus in high heels and not look like their knees are about to collapse under them because they hurt so bad. I have a lot of heels, wedges, platforms, pumps, etc., but I would never dream of wearing them around all day on campus walking up and down hills and to the other side and back. Yes, you will turn heads, but it will be the "wow, she looks uncomfortable, and dumb" head turn. Save them for the club, dinner with girls, or if you wear them to work, but save us the laughter and don't bring them to campus.
Thanks for reading my rants today, hopefully someone gained an inch or two of common sense :)
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